• Front Sight Firearms Training Testimonials Are EXACTLY What You’d Expect

    For the new “gold status” membership. Tell me this isn’t exactly what you expected.  💅 I’ll wait…

    The old folks are LOVING the “gold status” upgrade.

    It’s inspirational how the boomer sales funnel at Front Sight is second to none.. absolutely TUNED IN.  Although the site doesn’t look like it has been updated since 1992, I’m sure it converts like crazy.  I can’t even find anything on the site’s membership page about this “gold status” membership, but a quick google search brings up this Nevada Shooters forum post from a couple months ago, with the gold status email pasted.  When I saw the length of that email in the post I was like 🤣😂💀 yea I’m not reading that.  I took that email and copy/pasted it into an online word counter, and I SHIT YOU NOT it’s 3342 words ahaha.  Who has time for that?  I guess that only solidifies exactly who the intended audience is in the first place. With my poor attitude, it’s Looking like I won’t be getting gold status + my name crookedly scrawled on a piece of tape and stuck to my hat. Really puts things into perspective.

    Thoughts?  Oh and if you’re new here, that is indeed an “Ignatius Pizza” as the thumbnail.

  • Desk Pop Friday – Week 1

    smh 😫🤣 this guy. Ruger 5.7 shot from his work desk:

    Serbu is funny.  I get that it’s a work / shop computer, but the SHEER AMOUNT of crap that comes out of the end of the gun when you fire a round would make me never want to do this.  The monitors, keyboard, desk etc.. would all be covered in residue.  Oh man.. the hot ejected casings just flying everywhere at his desk too.  My literal nightmare, I’d have to buy all know stuff and deep clean the room.

    That bullet trap he has is actually pretty cool.  They make them in a wide range of sizes too seemingly.   2:50 – “It can take up to .308”.  Are we gonna see a .308 desk pop eventually? 🤔

    3:35 – NOOOOOO Desk Pop Friday isn’t going to be a series.

    Thoughts?  Probably good this isn’t going to be a reoccurring series.. I’m keeping the title with “WEEK 1” in it anyways though.

  • AR-15 Bullets Travel At Three Times The Speed Of Light

    Indisputable facts only:

    2:37 – “These bullets are traveling three times the speed of light.”

    She goes on to say some other factually incorrect firearm things later in the video.  I get it, she’s nervous to be on TV and shook up over the whole situation;  I would be too, but misinformation like this is doing nothing but getting people even more worked up and scared.  Will MSNBC correct or delete this video?  My guess is absolutely not.  If anything I’d expect them to cook up ways to double down on the hysteria.  If it were me, I’d probably mention that it only takes A mere 1.25 seconds for 1 shot from an AR-15 to get to the Moon if you were to aim the rifle straight up into the air and shoot.  

    I typically don’t talk about horrible world events on here, but this whole trend of blaming everything but the mental health of bozos who do terrible things is clownish and embarrassing.


  • Tic Tac Gun 3d Printed

    That thang. Surgical gloves and mood lighting for the build:

    Wholesome print.  The chamber loaded indicator window is a nice touch.  I’ve tossed a Tic Tac into my mouth a few times, and when it hit a tooth it makes the sharpest sound and doesn’t feel so great either.  Because of that, I’d say shooting a Tic Tac into your friend’s mouth (or your own) probably isn’t recommended. I’ve been called a safety sally on here more than once though, so ultimately it’s up to you. I’m not even going to talk about my opinion on eye pro when dealing with Tic Tac guns.

    You can grab the files for free on Thingverse.  Of course there are a bunch of people printing / selling them online too if you don’t have a printer.

    Looks like Amazon has all the ammo you’d need for such a thing.  I created a spreadsheet and crunched the numbers in a supercomputer to come to the conclusion that the OG freshmint flavor is the cheapest.  You can get 12 packs (each which contain around 38 tic tacs… so approx 456 rounds) on Amazon Prime. Dudes be like “prActIce DrYfiRiNg BeFoRe yOu ShOoT ReAl miNTs”


  • Responding To A Random Person Who Sees Your Gun

    Kevin with some sage advice:

    Worth watching. The best response is no response.

  • From Downloading MP3s To Downloading MP5s

    The homie Print Shoot Repeat back at it 👏:

    6:34 – ~$950 ($650 if you want to press the trunion yourself) for the 3D printed version VS ~$3680 for the H&K SP5

    6:58 – Holy that kit looks high quality.

    Test firing it:

    038 – LOL the song is incredible.

    If I had any idea what the timeline for affordable / mass proliferation of in home metal printing would be, I would “Big Short” (great movie btw) some of the publicly traded gun companies.  I suppose on top of that I would add that 3d printing definitely needs to turn into more of a “press the big green button and get your part” type of thing, before the gun companies will start start to see it as a real threat to their bottom line.