Tag: DIY

  • DIY Ammo Can Speaker Box

    Check out the tutorial over at Instructables.  The top picture I actually grabbed from a company called thodio‘s website, where they make the ammo can speakers and sell them.  If you have more money than time and know-how, you can pick one up from them for $307 – $430 depending on the specs you want.…

  • Universal Sandal Handgun Holster

    When life gives you no money for a real holster: You have to improvise.  This got me thinking… with the right type of flip flop you could have a ghetto NY Reload holster.  If you can’t steal one of your wife/girlfriend’s flip flops then hit up payless and cop a pair. This will either give…

  • Fixing The Glock Pig Nose

    I’m one of those “if it isn’t broken don’t fix it” kind of guys.  My full size Glocks both suffer from pignose, but I really couldn’t care less because they work fine. Come to think of it, I should start blaming my less than impressive marksmanship on that hahaha. I’m actually surprised that the “fix”…

  • DIY Kevlar Ballistic Mask

    Because getting shot in the bare face would suck: Redneck Science (my favorite) – Testing the mask: Check out the full process over at The Poct Apoc blog. Actually the force behind most of the rounds would likely severely injure or kill you anyway.  That said, if I was on a deadly (presumably Japanese) gameshow…

  • Xbox 360 Controller 9mm Brass Button Conversion

    Cool mod, but I wonder how comfortable it would be to play with: No work involved for you, seen on Etsy for $54.89 Brand new unmodified Xbox 360 wireless controller on Amazon for $36.99 Is it worth saving $17.90 and attempting the modification yourself?  Probably not, if the pre done one is done correctly and the person actually sends…

  • Tactical Affliction Style Bumpfire Stock

    The gun store guys went all “Tactical Affliction” on their bumpfire stock: If you don’t know what Affliction clothing looks like, google it.  That bottom foregrip does really seem to help with the control of it.  The muzzle rise he was getting on the first few shots probably sent them over the berm though which…