Tag: AR15

  • Joe Biden Is A Musket In The Age Of AR-15s

    MrColionNoir responds to Joe Biden’s shotgun defense advice: “Joe Biden is what you get when you mix arrogance and senility” hahah I like that line too. Like people have been saying… it’s frightening to know that Joe Biden would be president in the event something happened to Obama. MrColionNoir is wearing the New York Reload t-shirt from…

  • The AR-15 Has No Place Whatsoever In Self Defense Situations

    That’s the usual anti-gun / anti “assault rifle” rhetoric right?  Awwwwwww yeah str8 outta Detroit: Full Story – The Blaze It continues to astonish me how little value some people put on human life.  Those two useless bottom feeders you see in the video bust into that tax business thinking they were going to wave…

  • Piers Morgan Shoots Guns In Texas

    At a shooting range, and actually really enjoys it!  hahah actually no he obviously is terrified: What a stone cold killer… puts his finger directly on the trigger when he first picks up that AR.  Newb.  I like how he started pulling the trigger quickly though.  I figured he would have filled his pants and…

  • Ashley Field Strips And Cleans An AR-15

    Ban assault rifles!  Just kidding… bless this girl’s heart: This is actually relevant to my interests in more ways than one.  I hate cleaning my guns, and I like the look of her. She has a Glock cleaning video I posted about a long time ago. Cue the comments like “She’s too skinny!”, “She has…

  • Victoria’s Secret Over Printing Half An AR-15 Magazine In Real Time

    Get your jammies on and grab a drink and some popcorn: I made it to about 45 seconds and saw enough… so I skipped… and skipped… and then saw it complete. If you’re not familiar with Defense Distributed’s magazine making 3D printing efforts check that linked post. In my opinion you’re better off doing what I did…

  • AK-47 VS AR-15 – The Definitive Answer

    Science is never wrong: LOL this is a must watch.  The cottage cheese, peanut butter, and ham sandwich tests were pretty much what sold me on wanting an AK. That AR-15 muzzle rise hahah. He has another recent video… What to do with that AR-15 you just bought: hahah good stuff.  He goes by CarniK Con…