• Custom Homemade Shotgun Shells And Witty Catchphrases

    Demolition Ranch and his crew have some fun:

    The hilarity of using some of those for home defense would be amazing.  I’d love to be a doctor at an Emergency Room when some guy comes in with a Double Bubble or a Skittles wound… that would be classic.

    Demolition-Ranch-ENDO-HatHomemade shotgun shells definitely seemed to be the “in” thing to do in 2013.  I’m not mad at it though.


  • Edge Of Tomorrow – Trailer

    Future military version of groundhog day:

    I like the exo-skeletons and the quad tilt rotor craft!

    Tom Cruise: “I’m not a soldier”
    Emily Blunt: “Of course you’re not… you’re a weapon”

    Edge-of-Tomorrow-PosterLooks like it could be decent.  I’m not that big of a Tom Cruise fan, but I’m sure he’ll be alright in it.

    In theaters June 6, 2014.


  • 60 Minutes Interview With Marcus Luttrell

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Interesting guy, interesting story.  Definitely worth watching if you have a spare 25 minutes.

    There is a new-ish trailer I had not seen out for the movie Lone Survivor as well:

    Lone-Survivor-PosterLooks like it should be pretty good.  I know there was a lot of initial hate because Marky Mark is playing him.


  • Range Time With Cory & Erika – Blooper Reel #2

    Cory & Erika keeping it real on the reel:

    Cory-And-Erika-ENDOA follow up video to their first blooper reel.

    How they ever get any work done around there with Erika’s shenanigans I’ll never know.  That’s the way it should be though… work sucks.


  • A Gun That Never Malfunctions

    Yeager rustles some jimmies:

    James-Yeager-Angel-ApprovedSo many keyboard commandos Yeager has to deal with all the time.  He loves that shit though.

    3:00 – Hahhah Mini-14… Whenever I hear that rifle’s name I always remember this Mini-14 shooters diagnostic chart.

  • Half Cocked – Firearm Company Cartoon Promo

    PWS with an Archer style cartoon coming January 8th:

    Yea, I’ll be watching this.

    PWS-Half-Cocked-Cartoon-LogoAccording to their blog post about the cartoon / promo vid, the show is produced entirely by their own staff… animation and all.  That’s really impressive considering how pro the animation looks even from that small glimpse we just got.

    No telling if this is just going to be a single episode, or a whole bunch.
