Tag: vigilantSpectre
Defenders Of The DERP VS ENDO
VigilantSpectre makes an “Official Statement”: Our official stance toward the endo blog is that its author knows little about firearms. He is a safety nazi drone that probably stores his weapons locked and unloaded. He craves attention and receives it by perpetuating falsehoods on the material that he fails to understand. He does not grasp…
Defenders Of The DERP
VigilantSpectre’s Marksmanship Qualification: From the description: Every member of the team must pass both a primary and secondary weapons qual for multiple reasons, Here is a short snippet of the primary qual. Two positions: one at 150 yards and the other at 250. Shooters start at 150 yrds. They shoot 10 rounds from standing offhand,…
Vigilant Spectre Examines Some Glock Myths
Busting some Glock myths: Everything was safe enough up until 4:53… “Tactical Bacon” pushes him in the water, no big deal I thought that was funny… but then what happens next blew my mind… HE SHOT TOWARD HIS FEET WHILE HE WAS IN THE WATER. OMG my head just exploded… These guys were made for each…
VigilantSpectre’s 42 Minute 5.56 Clinic
I really don’t have time for a 42 minute derp analysis, but maybe some of you do: After a cursory skim through the video I can see they are in full OPSEC mode in typical Vigilant Spectre greyman fashion. Like I said, I don’t have the time or the energy to critique 42 minutes of…
VigilantSpectre Is Concerned For His Safety
An email I received just before 9pm on Tuesday from VigilantSpectre: Good day, I have been featured on your blog (VigilantSpectre) . I think it is hilarious first off. What I am really contacting you about is this: I have undertaken much effort to conceal the identities of myself and those that appear in my videos. This…
DERPnamic Secondary Presentation
I had to post another one by VigilantSpectre: All their videos are just so bad, I can hardly believe it. The camera man is ahead of the line of fire most of the time in this one too. They all appear to be either using Blackhawk Serpa holsters or the kind that have snap closures…