Tag: vibration

  • Looking Like A Loser For Fearing AR-15 Barrel Vibration

    These cancel your operator card on the spot, regardless of the operations you operated in: They say those three rings reduce “barrel-whip”, vibration and improve accuracy!  ORLY? hahah but at what cost?…. at what cost?  Yea I know physics and stuff, but explain to me why every operator on earth isn’t using these if they…

  • Testing Barrel Donuts (Barrel De-Resonators)

    Karnis figured out that he need three, to really tune his barrel. He discovered that he needed the Chocolate covered glazed, glazed old fashion and glazed blueberry. After, examining his groups, he thought the blueberry needed a little tweeking, either that or he was a little hungry. My Hawkeye would just not respond to two…