Tag: trollture

  • Will Jam Jam A Glock Brand Glock?

    Mattv2099 with another epic trollture test: I like how he detail stripped it with this one haha.  God what a mess… Interesting how the first two rounds didn’t fire, but the remaining ones did.  Some striker jam that had to be shaken loose perhaps? This video was actually an idea I submitted to him, glad he let…

  • Glock Holster Trollture Test

    Vigilant Spectre schools the internet on how to trollture test: As unsafe as the Vigilant Spectre group of rascals are, many of them seem like funny guys.  I still don’t want to be within rifle range of any of their “operations” ever in my lifetime, but I’ll continued to be entertained by their shenanigans such as this. Classic…

  • Treating An AR-15 Like Shit For Science

    Palmetto State Armory puts in work: Spoiler Alert: The rifle is HSLD as _ _ _ _ for the most part.  Sure it got a bit of a beat down in the drag test, but running some water through it apparently fixed it.  I have to wonder how he can just jam it in the…

  • Some Liquor A Glock A KA-BAR And Some Frog Lube

    This is what I call a party: 2:00 – A real operator would have drank that. 2:25 – Pour it out?! Dude you just made Glock tea and you’re going to just pour it down the drain as well? *facepalm* 2:50 – The assault chopsticks were a nice touch… props. Not one of Mattv2099‘s most…

  • Salty Attempt At Washing Machine Glock Trollture

    Mattv2099 black pillowcases it cartel-style and throws it in with his delicates: Tenifer LOLz at your lame one month salt trollture attempt Matt… step your game up and at least add fire ants, snake venom and sulphuric acid next time. Orange and baby blue zip ties?  Uggggghhhhh how non-operator of you… Operators ONLY use thick black…

  • AK-47 Bacon Sundae

    FPS Russia does a Mattv2099 style trollture test: Not one of FPS Russia’s most interesting videos, but still decent for some laughs.  I hope Matv2099 gets back into trollture testing because he did it better. FPS Russia today is a far cry from the “go big or go home” FPS Russia from back in the…