Tag: trollture

  • Cake And Compromise – Illustrated Guide To Gun Control

    Yea.. this analogy is perfect: LawDogFiles wrote the text, HSGCA (“Hypocrisy and Stupidity Of Gun Control” – the most retarded acronym I’ve ever seen) illustrated it. Full comic after the break!  Thoughts?

  • Pumpkin Pie AK-47 Trollture Test

    Mattv2099 bakes his own pumpkin pies, even though Costco has massive ones for $5.  Much respect due. 0:00 – LOL dat autotune.  Good to have it back.  He really T-Pain’d that shit… I repeated it a few times just for the Lulz. 0:08 – Going full ENDO, with the New York Reload hat (on sale for…

  • Glock Brand Glock Stay Puft Marshmallow Trollture

    Marshmallows. Delicious but deadly.  Mattv2099 is a sucker for punishment: MATT AIN’T AFRAID OF NO KABOOM!  LOL what an absolute disaster.  I can’t even imagine how annoying that must have been to clean.  I probably would have just filled up a container with solvent and threw everything in it for a while first.  If that…

  • Tactical Cake Decorating 101

    Mattv2099 puts on a clinic: Sure the icing was black… but it could have be blacker.  Just saying. 3:00 – Holy, what a mess.  Looks like a picture I once saw of a Glock that was in a fire. If you missed the original Glock brand Glock cakeazine trollture test, you should check it out.

  • Glock Brand Glock Cakeazine Trollture Test

    Mattv2099 continues to push the limit of trolling: Wow, even a high capacity hollow point cop killer assault border on the cake.  mmmmm that cake looks MOIST.   I know someone is going to suggest a new shirt idea… stylized Glock Cake with “MOIST AS _ _ _ _” written underneath it. hahah There looked…

  • AK-47 Twinkie Trollture Test

    Mattv2099 really must like cleaning his guns: I just realized I haven’t had a twinkie since ’99.  The only reason I remember the year is because that’s the year I graduated high school and my boy Roger used to hook them up on the reg because his mom always packed him a couple.  I should…