Tag: shooting
Suppressed Rifle Vs Watermelon Slow Motion
SlowMoGuys killing some melons: Shooting melons just never gets old. Did this guy move to the USA for good now? I know him and his channel buddy came for a visit a while back to do a video or two. <– I’m just going to shamelessly plug my NFA Tax t-shirt right now since there…
Fill The Pristine Wilderness With Lead
Silencerco sure has some cool places they shoot in Oregon: The pristine wilderness is awesome… FILL IT WITH LEAD. I just hope people don’t get any ideas like this around where I go on hikes. LOL that swan. Thoughts? Hat tip: Tim, Erik
Attempting To Shoot A .22LR Through A Rifle Scope
22Plinkster goes where lots have before: True to his name with a .22 LR of course. Definitely should try again with .50 BMG or 20mm. :P Ohhhh shit he could have got $200 cash back for that scope from Leica if he wanted a new Leica ERi scope. He is one of the few guys…
MrColionNoir The Tactical Lothario
A story about gun pride and how not all the women he tries to seduce are down with 2A: She pointed and asked, “What is that?” I told her I liked to shoot and did it often, and that it was a picture of some of the guns I had. I swear, I would have…
Gun Sight Picture Fundamentals
FateOfDestinee delivers to visual and auditory learners alike: This is easy to watch because of the whiteboard. Really creative way to teach something like this, especially to new shooters.
Instructor Zero’s Videos Are All About Stroking His Ego
Impressive I guess, despite the fact he didn’t have a bag on his head: I’m so terrible with accents. I can literally feel the words passing through my ear into my brain, then my brain translating after looking up a “best match” haha. I hope he comes out with more crazy stuff on his channel.…