Tag: history

  • Evolution of Weapons (1837-1901) Animated History

    Some history: He did a really nice job of the vid.  Worth watching. While we’re on the topic of Animation, I miss Conrad the Constitution.  It has been 7 long years since the last vid 😫.

  • The History Of Glock

    Oh man… I initially missed this when I was moving 🏡 before Christmas: Iconic.  Gaston is a living legend. Not really any new information in the video if you’re a Glock fan… that said Ahoy’s vids are always worth watching. Most of you probably already know, I make an adapter that lets you put a…

  • Sig Sauer Gets Sciency And Historical On Suppressors

    They did a nice job on these promo vids, so I figured I’d post them: Thoughts?  Also, why hasn’t the NFA been repealed yet?  The petition got the required number of signatures months ago.  *that question was sarcasm btw*  I swear most people thought signing that petition would mean they could buy suppressors down at walmart…

  • The Impressive History Of Glock Inc

    That NEW new testament: I bet I’ll meet Gaston on Rodeo Dr. someday walking out of Rolex, and be like “What up Gaston?” and the exchange between us will likely happen similar to one of my favorite scenes from BELLY.  I’m Method Man in this case (aka Ike Love).  I’d try to get him to agree to…

  • History Of The Uzi

    Ahoy is on it: That’s a good looking design for sure. 5:13 – “It is the perfect choice for a drive-by shooting”  haha oh no he didn’t! Shark Uzi!  Yea that actually happened.

  • History Of The Minigun

    Ahoy with the history and dat accent: You know I love that guy’s vids.  Great vector graphics as usual. haha 3:40 he mentions Predator and T2. Anyone who uses Wolfenstein and Doom to support their thesis is good with me. *daps* 6:45 – “The soft whirr of the electric motor; the prelude to a cacophony of…