Tag: harlem shake
Operators Gotta Operate – Harlem Shake
October 2013 and we’re still watching / listening to Harlem Shake vids I guess: Oh well this one gets a pass because it inovlves, guns, a bikini girl, and a taser. Thoughts? Would operate with? Hat tip: Van
Richard Ryan Area 51 Cleanup
Dat slow mo: ahahhhhhhh my stomach turned when Richard spit at the beginning. Nasty. I’m thinking Richard Ryan should make that handlebar mustache a permanent look.
Gun Store Guy Harlem Shake
Iraqveteran8888 is a couple weeks late on this: Better late than never though I suppose. I give them a 6/10. Make sure to check out the AK-47 Harlem Shake and the 2nd Amendment Harlem Shake for two better examples.
AK-47 Harlem Shake
Epic: This rivals the 2nd Amendment Harlem Shake I posted about a few weeks ago. As you can see the ENDO AK-47 t-shirt warmed things up. The pug was a nice touch too haha. Thoughts? Hat tip: Zach
2nd Amendment Harlem Shake
By far the best Harlem Shake video I’ve seen to date: I had to watch it a few times to catch all the different characters and their roles. If only IDPA were that fun to watch. Thoughts? Hat tip: Chris