Tag: AR15

  • Bullpup AR-15 Homemade Conversion

    Demolition Ranch with some cool redneck science: haha when he said how he found the term “redneck scentist” offensive at the beginning of the video I was like “Really? 0.o”  the joke was on me though. Pretty slick, I don’t know how big of a fan I am of having my neck right next to…

  • Tactical Tunes Thanks Bloomberg In Song

    Sometimes laws have to be made to protect us from ourselves: Sometimes I feel like I have too much freedom… like at any moment I could snap drink 5 gallons of Coke, find out what exactly “trans fats” are and each a bunch of those… potato chips?  I know I could google, but that sounds…

  • Tracking Point AR Series Rifles

    Tracking point announced an AR series of rifles today: The video didn’t dazzle me, but it showcased the rifle… so mission accomplished I suppose.  Beats reading words.  Thanks Tracking Point for freeing me up an extra 0:47 seconds where I could shovel Cheetos into my gaping mouth with an idle mind. 7.62, .300 BLK, and…

  • MK12 Mod. 1 SPR – The Lone Survivor Breakdown

    Richard Ryan builds a MK12 mod. 1 and shoots it at some dueling trees: I still haven’t seen Lone Survivor.. but it looks great and I’ve heard good things. As always Richard’s slow motion footage is great.  Looks really cool when the round his the steel and fragments into a million pieces.  I should ask…

  • Automatic AR-15 Magazine Loader

    For sirs that do not like to get their hands dirty: Features list: Eliminates hand injuries – Safety above all!! MMFS – Modular Magazine Feed System – Load all manufacturers 5.56mm magazines Eliminates damage to magazine feed lips Prolongs magazine life Highly reliable Printable Reports Loads 29 bullets in 9 seconds Loads 18 magazines in…

  • Binary Explosives Shot At Close Range

    VigilantSpectre, always doing shit just to do it: Not something I would have done… you know, safety reasons.  I would prefer to not possibly have a chunk of the container or the lid slice me open and/or embed itself in me. Ripping the finish off your expensive quad rail?!  A good way to make your…