Tag: AK47

  • Time Magazine Attempts To Scare With AR-15 Fact

    Since it was in TIME, you know it’s a fact: LOL that’s right… 45 rounds per minute with a semi-automatic AR-15.  People are apparently capable of pulling the trigger once every 1.33 seconds.  Impressive… OH WAIT… When people spout scary facts about guns which are hilariously wrong, even if it makes guns look scarier, I…

  • Gun Confiscation Song

    A line has been drawn in song: FXhummel1 tells us how he feels about restrictive laws and confiscations.  Looking dapper as always, this time in the ENDO AR-15 Black Rifle t-shirt. Buck Yeager influenced?  Possibly… FXHummel was at Tactical Response for a training course.  I was waiting for the “I’ll kill anyone that tries to…

  • Spetsnaz Breakfast Omelet

    Because last time I checked, you can’t backflip while shooting, and negligently shoot people on an empty stomach: I may or may not have added “AK-47 egg frying device” to the top of my design project list. *shifty eyes* hahah at how he eats it with a USMC KA-BAR at the end. Thoughts?

  • AK-47 Fruitcake Torture Test

    Getting into the Christmas spirit: LOL wow he really jammed that stuff in there. Mattv2099 continues to push the limits with torture tests.  I do NOT like fruitcake at all, so this grossed me out more than his previous vids. Even though he never puts anything in the barrel, I’d still be afraid that something…

  • You Don’t Make Friends With Scare Fire

    If people like this are reproducing, future generations are doomed: The derp starts at around 0:40.  Wow how hilarious!  You shot near your friend!   Classic stuff…  pranks like this are so funny.  UH No… :/ I really hope the .22LR conversion kit guy left soon after that and never spoke to those retards again.…

  • AK-47SU KGB Spy Briefcase Drops It Like It’s Hot

    This is slick: I’m impressed.  The design seems very simple too which is a plus. Guns that fire from within briefcases are still cooler… but the one in the post is a close second. Thoughts?