Someone at Glock left the After Effects machine on. Oh yea, and an HK Level mega-derp happens:
In case the video disappears – this happened at 0:20 LOLOL:
Seriously? Last time I checked Glock the company was reportedly worth a few billion dollars. Do they NOT have EVEN ONE person there who could micromanage the marketing and promotions team!?!? If I had any desire to ever work for anyone again, I would make Glock (which happens to be my favorite firearms company) an offer they couldn’t refuse and clean things up around there.
Apparently the video was released at SHOT Show this past January. I find it hard to believe the thousands of gun people there didn’t make fun of it enough, that they would change that part before uploading it to YouTube. New Troll-Marketing strategy over there maybe? haha
Besides the mega-derp the vid was actually pretty cool. A lot better than most of their other promo videos.