• New Orleans Police Officer Dancing On The Job – Mardi Gras

    NOPD does not stand for NO Police Dancing:

    haha I wonder what the back story is?  Did they teach him those choreographed moves in advance?

    New-Orleans-Police-DeptIn before the “My tax dollars _______” comments. *eye roll*  I bet the 0:53 seconds that took is worth a lifetime of good public relations memories (maybe even taking the place of bad memories) for some of the people that witnessed that, which is pretty much priceless.


    Hat tip: Tyler

  • Connecticut Gun Laws Are Irritating

    The sarcasm and condescension is great:

    massachusetts-flagFrom the same guys that brought us the video about buying a gun in Massachusetts.

    Scary stuff.  haha I knew what was going to be next as soon as the “Do you know Greek?” part came.


    Hat tip: Noah

  • Ivory Assault Soap Shotgun Slugs

    Taofledermaus with an invention to clean and disperse hobos at the same time:


    “99 44⁄100% Pure 12GA Awesome”.  They actually worked a lot better than expected.

    Wow I just noticed Tao has 176,000 subscribers.  Impressive stuff.  I’m surprised some of his videos don’t get as much hate as Mattv2099 gets on a daily basis, even though they do some similar things but Mattv2099 takes more of a trolling delivery and approach I suppose. Glad to have them both on the blog as a commenters.


  • Indiana Police Chief Wiggum ND’s Glock On Jacket Drawstring Adjustment

    EMBARRASSING haha.  In a gun store too:

    Chief-WiggumClearly he was the only one professional enough to handle that gun.  That’s the 2nd time he’s Negligent Discharged in 2 years too.

    Definitely a case for careful re-holstering.  So many HSLD operators think they need to get it back in the holster quickly and without looking, like it matters so much.

    2:35 – Is he seriously air pulling / pushing graphics?  *eye roll* LOL


    Hat tip: Brian

  • Fat George Zimmerman At Gun Shop Signs Autographs

    Of skinny George Zimmerman with a dog:


    Full Story – TMZ

    The gun shop is The Arms Room in Orlando, FL.  They also have a Facebook page if you care.

    I wonder if he was charging for the autographs? God, what a useless picture to autograph too.  Is this some type of stupid move to try and improve his public image?  If so, bad idea in my opinion.  All it comes across as is just another publicity stunt to keep his name in the news and get on TMZ again.

    I just checked the current count, and I still give -28 fucks about GZ.  The last time I said something similar this happened in the comments LOL:


    (Link to comment)

    I’m still not 100% sure if I was being trolled or not.  If I was, I suppose I fell for it.

    Thoughts?  Do you think we’re obligated to like and support everyone who has similar gun / 2nd Amendment interests?

  • Pocket Knife 12GA Shotgun Loads – Shoot Stabbing

    The ultimate in home defense.  Shooting a pocket knife with Taofledermaus:

    Joe-Biden-Finger-PointWell it’s no DERPMAX R.I.P ammo, but it will ballistically suffice in a pinch.

    1:45 – Slight key-holing.
