I was emailed a link to this rant by blog reader Kyle, a few days ago. I’ll cut and paste a few “interesting” excerpts below, but I urge you to go read the full article at SucksToBeSam.
Since the Newtown, Conn. shooting which left 20 children and six staff members dead, there have been 74 school shootings.
First off, the 74 school shootings in 18 months “fact” was bullshit… even CNN disproved it.
People are confusing a necessity with a hobby. Coming from the midwest and being raised by a man who wakes up at the crack of dawn every fall to hunt just like his father and the father before him did, one might argue that hunting and guns are a way of life. The belief that hunting is a lifestyle is as much bullshit as every hunter’s deers stand story that has ever been sold.
Oh word? Defending freedom is a hobby?
The most basic understanding of the 2nd Amendment is that it is the right to bear arms, which is sort of true, but you shouldn’t use the Cliff Notes version of a controversial portion of the Bill of Rights.
He goes on to demonstrate his tenuous grasp of the 2nd Amendment and declare why it’s not really needed any longer.
One of my least favorite arguments that pops up every time I try to have a conversation with someone is, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people.” Fuck that. 100 times fuck that. The Sandy Hook shooter would have a harder time killing 26 people if he was running around an elementary school with a baseball bat.
I’ll give him that one, but guns aren’t going anywhere. The whole point of guns is that they do kill people… scumbags who want to hurt you, hurt someone you love, take away something that is yours etc… That whole paragraph of his basically made the case for fixing how mental health is dealt with, which I totally agree with. Crazy is the problem, not guns.
Would you be willing to give up a “right” so someone you never met could live their lives instead of being gunned down in a once-a-week school shooting? The answer should be a resounding yes, but as we’ve seen, it’s more complicated than that.
No, because the chance of getting killed in a school shooting is incredibly slim. What’s next, I give up vehicles? Electricity? Fatty foods? Swimming? Trampolines?
Hat tip: Kyle