• Jerry The Machine Miculek Pushes A Revolver Out To 1000 Yards


    Jerry-MiculekOMG he missed on the first shot, what is this world coming to! LOL :P

    What makes it even crazier is that this guy is grandpa age now.  1000 yards isn’t a short distance to put sights onto a balloon, I don’t care if it’s fluorescent.

    hahaha “I had to aim at the sky like a rocket launcher”.  150 ft of elevation compensation is nuts.


  • Water Filled Vessel Shotgun Loads

    Taofledermaus with some T&E:

    Hobo-With-Shotgun-PosterInteresting to see these tests. I’m not surprised the results though in most of these shotgun load ones.

    I wish Taofledermaus would get a extreme slow motion camera like Richard Ryan has!

  • Drinking In Your Jammies And Shooting At Body Armor Indoors

    Oh TMHonfire102 you crazy:

    everything-could-be-a-trollNothing like tossing a few Coors back in your Jammies after a long day, then shooting suppressed at some body armor indoors.  Like really, who hasn’t done this?  Propping the body armor up with Dr. Seuss books is pretty standard too.

    TMH has always given so few shits, I love it.


  • 12 GA Ball Bearings VS Body Armor

    Taofledermaus does a couple tests:

    dragon-skin-armorNeedless to say the soft body armor looks like a mess.

    Was I the only one cringing at the fact they were shooting something which “doesn’t deform like lead” at 1200 ft/s so close?  Ahhhhh.  Sure they angled the plates, but I don’t know… still seems like something could go wrong.


  • The Smooth Sounds Of Instructor Zero

    Instructor Zero might steal your woman, operate in an operation, and make you a mix cd to rub it in your face:

    Instructor-ZeroNot bad not bad, some classics on there but he should invest in an iPod and add some gangsta rap to the rotation.

    Thoughts? Would operate with his mix cd on?

  • If You Think The Blind Shouldn’t Be Allowed Guns You Hate America

    Dom Raso x NRA News:

    Blind-Concealed-Carry-GunInitially I found it kind of hard to wrap my head around the concept of a blind person carrying or using a gun.  Since my initial exposure to the idea though I’ve developed the opinion which Dom talks about in the video… there is just no good reason not to let them have exactly what the rest of us enjoy and use to protect ourselves.