Military Defensive Defibrillation

Apparently this homage to the video game Battlefield:

I don’t game… killer vid though.  Corridor Digital is arguably the best youtube VFX group currently out there.

Hat tip: Bryan


3 responses to “Military Defensive Defibrillation”

  1. That vid is great. That stuff happens all the time. Assault class is also the medic class so they are always coming up on snipers and various campers. LOL. Great flaming knife scene.

  2. Been playing BF3 nonstop, and its pretty much this in a nutshell. It was only missing the air vehicles crashing every few minutes. Great vid.

  3. Jusuchin (Military Otaku) Avatar
    Jusuchin (Military Otaku)

    Last I heard you can’t kill with shock paddles anymore yet you can kill with the acelyne torch engineer has.

    That said Poor Jusu is Poor. ;-; I need to save up a bit more, loans and gas gobbled up my paycheck.