Tag: Taurus

  • Ghost Inside The Taurus PT 24/7

    Bug or feature?  YOU DECIDE :P I see some definite self defense advantages with shaky-shooting :P  The failure to eject at 1:29 is problematic, but what can you do when you’re handed something as futuristic as shooting without even using a trigger. I don’t speak the language (Portuguese?), so I don’t know if this gun…

  • Taurus Gets MLB Player To Endorse The Curve

    ROFL wtf: This was more about baseball and selling a “lifestyle” than it was about the curve… and that’s probably a good thing.  Cool “CURVE” jersey brAh *snicker*. Are you buying that this guy daily carries the .380 curve?  I’m not.  Thoughts?

  • Taurus Design Team Should Have Curved

    LOLOL this new .380 looking like a taser: A DOA handgun, with a trigger that looks like a canoe paddle, no actual (iron) sights, a laser only, and a bent frame which is only right handed.  Cool story Taurus bros. More info on the handgun at the Taurus curve micro-website. Damn and it’s not even April fools.  The…

  • Weatherby Presents Jessie Duff

    A well done video short about 27 time world champion pistol shooter Jessie Duff: I’ve always thought she seemed cool.  I hope winning 27 world titles made her very rich, but I have my doubts. Interesting how she’s with Weatherby / Taurus still rather than Glock.  For me the “cool factor” just isn’t present at those…

  • Jessie Duff For Taurus Firearms

    A single tear rolled down my cheek when she left Glock.  It’s pretty obvious she can crush it in the shooting and looks department no matter what company she’s at though so I’m not mad. I’m assuming that PH Factor of 9 means her 1911 is chambered in 9mm. (Blasphemy!!!) Thoughts?  Does she make you…

  • Taurus Firearm Manuals Say You May Die Or Get Hurt Either Way

    According to these safety warnings, you really can’t win: As seen in all the Taurus manuals.  You’re basically screwed… Thoughts? Hat tip: Kevin