Tag: nra news

  • Guns As Inanimate Objects Not Mass Killing Machines

    Go ahead haters, act like her hair ain’t luxurious when you know it is: That 56 carat diamond on Natalie’s ring finger is distracting.  I bet she has a custom Hermès range bag. Jokes aside this video is great.  Again though, we need to be locking anti-gun people in rooms Clockwork Orange style and putting…

  • Dom Raso – From Bro To Badass

    Dom… if you want my opinion, the beard needs to stay: He just makes more sense now with that beard.  I don’t feel like some frat boy is trying to kick knowledge after attempting to ice me with a bottle of Smirnoff which goes by the same name.  You know?  Before someone mentions it, I can’t…

  • Domestic Violence And Gun Violence

    AmidstTheNoise with another NRA news vid: ACK I wish I could turn that background music off!  Interesting that 60% of the 56 mass shooting studied involved or started as domestic violence. 15.5 Million children witnessed or have been the victims of domestic violence.  Ban domestic violence! (For real… if that only work work.)  Too bad…

  • Nothing Sexy About Stopping Ghetto Gun Violence

    MrColionNoir with another NRA News vid: Agreed.  It’s always been that way, no one cares about what’s going on outside their bubble. The “snitches get stitches” type attitude often present in the inner city is always going to be a big hurdle to overcome.  Not to mention the fact many of the people in those…

  • There Is A Logic To Violence

    A guy we know, is a new NRA news commentator: 0:12 – people are going to be like “Oh noEs the illuminati”.   Whoever did the after effects for this video should do all the videos, they are great!  Real clean looking, and good choice of fonts, graphics, and everything. I know the black shirt…

  • Talking About Background Checks For Firearms

    NRA News x Dom Raso: Why would a criminal buy a new gun from an FFL when they could just get one off the streets or through a face to face transfer?  Yea exactly.  I’m sure most of the people who fail the background check, fail due to false positive or things they did not…