Tag: marine corps
Protecting USMC Recruiting Centers In Questionable Ways
Dustin Ellermann (same dude that was on top shot) posts a couple questionable pics: The full facebook post is here… Facebook (like YouTube) always has such a wide range of comments, ranging from intelligent to so dumb you wonder how the person was actually able to have their brain tell their fingers what keys to press…
Katy Perry’s USMC Female Recruitment Video
Brief Synopsis: Katy Perry catches her boyfriend kissing some skank at his work, dumps him and makes a spur of the moment decision at a gas station to join the Marine Corps. Hacks her hair off for some reason (not required for a female Marine, but more dramatic I suppose) Wraps her boobs in tensor bandage…
Nazi USMC Snipers
Nah not really.. just a poor logo decision: Marine Corps scout snipers used the logo of the notorious Nazi SS organization while in Afghanistan in 2010, the service acknowledged Thursday. We get it: Scout Sniper = SS … still what a terrible idea. Full story at Marine Corps Times. I hate to overuse *facepalm* graphics,…
Justin Timberlake Is A Class Act – Marine Corps Birthday Ball
Justin Timberlake accepted Corporal Kelsey DeSantis’ youtube invitation to the USMC 236th birthday ball and had a blast. I’ve always been very vocal about my support of our Armed Forces. I’ve always felt like they offered us the opportunity to live our lives freely without the fear that so many other nations have to endure still…
Terminal Lance – Knife-hands Compilation Comic Strip Book
My favorite online comic strip, now available in book format: Whether you’ve served or not; if you have any interest in the military and have a sense of humor, I strongly suggest you follow Terminal Lance. The book contains comic strips #1-100 in addition to some extra stuff. Alternately, you can read all the comics…