Tag: israeli

  • Overcomplicated Slide Racking Doody Holster For The Glock

    Yes… Doody was not a typo.  Here, check this and you’ll see what I’m saying: That’s Jethro International brining the heat haha.  I’m sure the Israelis will love it.  Everyone else who isn’t scared to carry one on the chamber can stick with a holster which doesn’t have all sorts of moving parts and things to…

  • Dogo Robot Killa With A Glock In The Stash Box

    My best friend had a Hypertrax when I was young, and this reminded me of it.  I LOVED the hypertrax, however the battery life was like 5 minutes on a good day.  Oh and it was basically impossible to make turns with.  In hindsight it was actually a piece of shit… but it was fast so we…

  • TIER 1 CQB Firearms Training From An Actual Israeli Operator

    Israeli SF (Duvdevan) TIER 1 operator Aaron Cohen: haha is this guy for real?  It appears so. Those videos… too TIER for me.  I’d tap out and drink Capri Sun and eat falafel on the sidelines.  Maybe I’ll have to Take Aaron’s “Advanced Shuffle” course first, then I could hang. I’m fully convinced anyone at…

  • IzDan Israeli Tactical Operator Class

    Taught by Israeli military and special ops shooting instructor Kfir Cohen: Don’t even think about making fun of this stuff guys;  remember… “Americans Shoot, Israeli’s FIGHT“.  You’re not operator to understand the Israeli methods. 0:02 – Strong opening, with everyone pointing guns and pulling the trigger at each other.  Although generally condemned by Americans, Israelis…

  • An Essay On Internet Operators Armchair Judging Israeli Training

    The below comment (essay) was left by Israeli Krav Systems instructor Nir Maman on the Kosher Costa And The Bottomless Pit Of Israeli Tactical Derp post.  Funny enough, Nir Maman is actually the instructor in the Cursory Safety Check Then Point Guns At Each Other And Pull The Trigger I poked fun at (which he conveniently failed to mention). Yea…

  • Kosher Costa And The Bottomless Pit Of Israeli Tactical Derp

    The Israelis make my job easy.  Kosher Costa shows us what’s up: Everything was just talking up until 1:10.  Cool widened fat horse stance bro…. oh… oh… oh LAWWWWWD this is beautiful: Robot cheek index!  haha the temple index was SOOoooooo last week. If this actually works for the Israelis I’m convinced it’s because the enemy is…