Tag: gun
Amazon Kindle DX and this blog
For those of you that don’t follow new technology, the Amazon Kindle DX wireless reading device was released today! I made my blog available on the Kindle. If you buy one of these new Kindle DX models, or even if own the older Kindle you can sign up to receive my blog on a free…
A clear violation of bird law
Although bird assisted target acquisition may be legal in Russia (the likely location of the photo). It is highly illegal in the United States. “It’s just that bird law in this country is not governed by reason.” -Charlie (Season 5 Episode 1 of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia) For those that are not familiar with…
Guns, Elvis, and Nixon
December 21, 1972 In a five page letter to President Richard Nixon written while traveling on a plane to Washington, Elvis explains he loves his country and wants to give something back and, not being “a member of the Establishment,” believes he could reach some people the president can’t if the president would only make…