Tag: CTD
Scumbag Cheaper Than Dirt Grasping At Straws
Oh look, they “sponsored” an NRA commercial: I’m not even sure what “sponsoring” an NRA commercial entails. Maybe you tell the NRA you’re going to make a commercial, and then they review the message of it and allow you to put their logo on it? Who knows… either way I don’t really care. They already…
Scumbag Cheaper Than Dirt Tries To Buy Their Way Back Into Our Hearts
Fuck Cheaper Than Dirt for thinking this would work: Full Press Release – SAF *gasp* On Valentine’s Day too >.< Yeah $100k is a great amount to donate and everything *slow clap* but if I was running the Second Amendment Foundation I would have wiped my ass with that check and posted a pic on facebook…
Scumbag Cheaper Than Dirt Ain’t Cheaper Than Shit
An FXhummel1 short about price gouging and knee jerk responses: If DICK’s had any balls, semi-autos would be on their walls. I LOL’d when he said that. FXHummel is wearing the pictogram selector switch t-shirt… one of my personal favorites. Thoughts?
$100 For A Single AR-15 G.I. Magazine
Scumbag Cheaper Than Dirt strikes again: *slow clap* Ladies and gentlemen, the new low. For those that don’t know, these normally retail for no more than $10 each. Thoughts?
Asshole Proofing The Magpul PMag For A Good Cause
SKD Tactical takes a Cheaper Than Dirt style approach, but for a good cause: (Source) First off let me say I appreciate the humor. As I mentioned in the past, not enough companies have a sense of humor. Secondly, what a selfless thing for them to do… donating $24.25 to the NRA or the Special…
Scumbag Cheaper Than Dirt Pulls A Recoil
Well well look who pissed off their entire customer base, then tried to take it back: Too Late! I’m sure just like the Recoil MP7 incident, people will forget really fast this happened, and new people getting into shooting will not know any better… but I hope not. I actually now regret not planning to…