Tag: cartridge
How Guns And Bullets Don’t Work
Someone should tell Discovery Channel: View this post on Instagram Discovery channel be like…
Gat tip: @akoperatorsunionlocal4774 via @therealnap0le0n A post shared by ENDO (@everydaynodaysoff) on Feb 6, 2019 at 10:53am PST haha good stuff. They aren’t the first, and they won’t be the last to make that mistake. Thoughts?
Testing LEGO Head .40 Loads With Gunpowder
Uh, for you know… science: For science and the culture. The results were as expected, considering lego heads weigh basically nothing. Everyone started jumping on this “Lego head .40” trend after some guy initially figured out the heads fit perfectly in .40 brass. The pic I used in the article is from Solscud, the same guy who…
Igniting A Tracer Bullet
Demolition Ranch tries it out: Not that cool, just as I expected though! Thankfully it works well when it’s flying through the air quickly.
Glocks Shoot Whole Cartridges Not Just Bullets
Someone at Glock left the After Effects machine on. Oh yea, and an HK Level mega-derp happens: In case the video disappears – this happened at 0:20 LOLOL: Seriously? Last time I checked Glock the company was reportedly worth a few billion dollars. Do they NOT have EVEN ONE person there who could micromanage the marketing…
Assault Clips And Bullets
Yea this is how it goes: Source – Critical Mass There are two camps when it comes to this type of thing. The first, where it’s not acceptable to call a magazine a “clip” or a cartridge a “bullet” (this is the camp I’m in), because those just aren’t their names. Camp #2 argues that…
A Look At The .45 ACP Cartridge
Iraqveteran8888 Barry takes it to the classroom: That Remington R1 is a nice looking 1911 that’s for sure. Good price point too! Barry is wearing the ENDO Apparel California No Right To Bear Arms t-shirt. .45 vs 9mm though… Which one do you guys think is better and why? hahah just kidding.