Tag: brady campaign
Brady Campaign Sets Up Epic Troll Fake Gun Store In NYC
And films reactions: LOL 1:07 a .22 revolver is their most popular gun? Could they at least not have gave that job to a troll with some firearms knowledge. 1:26 – Ahhhhhhh that finger. 1:54 – Seriously? finger again. 2:39 – Nice shogun that doesn’t even work, shithead. I know some of you guys work…
When The Anti-Gun Idiots Actually Troll Semi-Successfully
This is hilarious: I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to piss us off because “it’s so accurate” and we are supposed to hate facts. I thought this vid was a riot though… did watch twice. I really hope this is a sign that the Brady Campaign got better writers, or decided to partner with FunnyOrDie (the…
More On Gun Laws Stopping Criminals
*Yawn* The Brady campaign should really reconsider their rhetoric: Yea we all know money can buy or persuade people. Cool story bro. Tell me more about how if certain politicians passed certain laws the criminals would take those laws seriously. like I said… yawn. Thoughts?
Gun Violence Is A Public Health Issue
Brady Campaign on the pathology of gun violence with a snazzy presentation: 3:45 – THE GUN SHOW LOOPHOLE! So basically criminals and people with mental health issues are the problem, which we already knew. 7:19 – Preventing (the criminal’s having guns and murdering people with them) problem is, and I quote “straight forward as keeping…
Brady Campaign Mock Class Of 2014 Congratulations
Oh Brady Campaign you funny: School shooting evacuations… very classy. The video reads: Congratulations to the graduating class of 2014 from the NRA, Congress, and the gun manufacturers of America. Go forward towards your dreams. And so long as Congress is in the gun lobby’s pocket… Remember to duck. Text “Gun Sanity” to 877-877 hahah…
Ask If There’s An Unlocked Gun
Before sending your dumb kid over to play: Fair enough, I like the safety angle this has. If I didn’t know the Brady Campaign’s prior shenanigans I wouldn’t even give this commercial a side eye. What do we do after we ask about the unlocked gun though? Do we throw a fit and ban our…