Tag: assault clips
Assault Clip Lethality Demonstration
An example of why they should be banned: The Cowwadoody headset and 1000 yard stare sealed the deal. I wouldn’t think that headset would provide much hearing protection, but maybe he’s got plugs on underneath. Blowing up food and drinks is always a good time. Mattv2099 everyone… haha that was in my talkshow host voice.…
Duel Me Like Your Mother
Saw this on TV yesterday: Pretty interesting idea for a video. No wait.. what I meant to say was “It promotes gun violence. BAN ASSAULT CLIPS!”
Brady Campaign – Ban Assault Clips Video
We already knew last month that the Brady Campaign wanted assault clips banned, but now they have a video: Trollin trollin trollin trollin… I too always like to awkwardly rack the slide on my gun by gripping the front with my finger on the trigger while aiming it at my hand. *facepalm* How much do…
Brady Campaign Wants Assault Clips Banned
I’m going to LOL so hard when we find out in a few years that the Brady Campaign is actually a organization set up for the sole purpose of trolling. What caliber is that even? .45 Colt? No doubt for some of those high capacity cowboy action assault revolver moon clips. A recent email they sent out:…