Tag: AR15
Homemade Shielded Weapon System
From AR15.com user ObsoleteMan: It started with some inspiration from the video game “Army Of Two”. The main characters use weapons equipped with shields. I thought these gun-shields were an innovative, if not entirely practical, idea. The functional components: A railed AR, Havoc 37mm Flare Launcher, Beta C-Mag Extra components: Molded plastic grip with horizontal…
Reed Knight’s Gun Collection
Of Eugene Stoner Guns… Awesome video from AmericanRifleman.org Hat Tip: ShoulderThing
CornerShot Kitty
What you are looking at is a weapon platform that can shoot around corners with the aid of a hinged receiver, video camera, and monitor. This particular model is fitted with a stuffed cat in order to disguise it as a weapon. Check out the YouTube video: AR-15 pistol, 40mm grenade launcher, and Glock corner…
Ralphie always creeped me out
The Kid From A Christmas story… seriously, how could you not find him creepy? He looks like a serial killer. Here is a picture of him opening up his Red Ryder BB gun: In the uncut version he gets an AR-15: With an ACOG, and a quadrail too! wow… :P Another shot of Ralphie with…
Bushmaster ACR Photos
I don’t like how it doesn’t appear to be as customizable as the AR-15. The entire lower is molded, so you can forget about changing out the grip or trigger guard. The stock can be changed, but it appears complicated, which will no doubt add to the cost of any aftermarket versions that will come…