Tag: AK47

  • Haters Gonna Hate If You Carry A Gun

    MrColionNoir has a few words: “Understand what you’re dealing with when arguing with someone about guns.”  <— Very true. It’s really frustrating arguing with people who use emotion rather than facts. I agree that you don’t owe anyone an explanation. Thoughts? You can pick up an AK-47 selector switch t-shirt like MrColionNoir is wearing over at ENDO…

  • Buried Weapons In Mozambique

    Buried underground for 18 years… pour some motor oil on it and you’ve got yourself a working AK-47: Everything was going well up until 0:40 – “Which is why it’s so vital for the task force to destroy them.”  Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It’s sure interesting how differently weapons are viewed all over the world. I suppose if…

  • Saudi Wedding Celebration – BYO AK-47

    Not a single f**k was given: Safety is the last thing on their minds.   Lots of AKs… short barreled ones, underfolders etc… I even spot chrome and gold ones!  Nice looking place, and they keep their cars clean too.  It’s amazing no one died.  Can you imagine how much of a damper that would…

  • Mall Ninja Tactical Zombie Destroyer AK-47

    These guys know how to have a good time: If you work at a gun store, and you’re not cramming a maximum amount of accessories onto the picatinny rails of firearms you really should ask yourself what you’re doing with your life. You might remember a similar joke they did with the AR-15 platform; the…

  • Airsoft AK-47 Marijuana Pipe

    He appears to have done loads of function testing prior to hitting record: Strike #1 – 0:15 – “the clip… I pull it out” Strike #2 – The remainder of the video I’ll give him some style points for having the DIY spirit to actually bring his weed smoking pipe dreams to fruition.  Putting a…

  • Human Testing Of Italian Body Armor

    Quick, what does “DERP” translate to in Italian? I hope they make body armor as good as they make pizza and desserts.  Wow what a boss… I’m so impressed. *eye roll*  I said it once, and i’ll say it again… stuff like this is just is not necessary.  I’d much rather see some scientific data…