Tag: airsoft

  • Asian Kid Brushes Teeth With Glock Slide Reciprocation

    This is hands down the greatest video I’ve seen in a while: LOL I love it.  An airsoft Glock 18 obviously, but still hilarious.  Man, Asian guys always come up with the funniest shit.  It’s like they operate on a whole other level when it comes to quirky repurposing of items, and interesting / niche skills. Please…

  • Car Bumper Hidden Mounted Guns For Road Rage

    Don’t worry, only an airsoft gun and a water gun: I’m sure some genius is going to eventually try something like this with an actual firearm, and cause some trouble.  Even with the airsoft or water gun just too much could potentially go wrong… like distracting a driver and causing them to get into an…

  • Firearm Raid Attempt At Garage Sale Get Denied

    San Jose Police Dept gets a smackdown by a garage sale lady for not following the rules: “No you haven’t dealt with me… I’m with Cop Watch, I’ve dealt with YOU” ^^^^^^^^ OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH burn! ^^^^^^^^ All over Airshit and because some halfwit called them and told them “real guns” were being sold. haha gold. Thoughts? Hat…

  • Seth Hendrix Does Airsoft

    Even big time executives like him have to take a few hours off: The comments on the video aren’t locked……. yet.  LOL The video is very much as waste of time as expected, I just thought it was funny that he plays with toy guns but has such a problem with real guns and gun owners.…

  • Samurai Chops An Airsoft BB In Half

    200 mph is only 293 ft/sec, while impressive is not a “speeding bullet”. Pretty cool how it did it from the draw.  One thing I’m less impressed by is towards the end of the video they slip up say “yep, this is the one”, meaning to me that they did lots of takes. I’m pretty…

  • More Molle More Problems

    Just like the Notorious B.I.G. said… or not: Even though it’s airsoft crap, you get the point.  The end result is pretty funny. If there is one thing I learned from this video it is that Epic Mealtime can not be duplicated.