Tag: .22 LR

  • DIY Maglite Flashlight Suppressor

    The zombies will never know what hit them: A shooting test with it attached to a M&P 15-22 rifle: That is damn quiet!  I still can’t help but wonder if we are being tricked though, and he just hollowed out a Maglite and slipped a real suppressor inside it. You might remember the Maglite suppressors…

  • Superhuman Shooting Skills

    Shooting dental floss swinging like a pendulum: I’ve posted about 22plinkster before, and although I don’t post every single one of his videos the guy’s skills never cease to amazing me. I don’t care what attempt # this was on (in this case he says it was his 4th attempt) it’s impressive.  I’m pretty sure I…

  • Manufacturing .22 LR Ammunition

    CCI breaks it down for us: They manufacture 4 Million rounds of rimfire in a day?!   Wow… that’s a lot of shooting. CCI does make some beautiful looking .22 LR ammo, compared to the Winchester and Federal bulkpack stuff.  Interesting how much human interaction is still involved in the process.  The video looks oldschool though,…

  • How Far Will A .22 LR Kill?

    *Spoiler Alert* farther then you’re capable of accurately shooting: Myth busted.  Your thick sweater or jacket probably wont save you. :P Say what you will about these gun store guys, but they answer some interesting questions. Thoughts?