• Pistol Whip Trainer

    New from LaserLyte:

    This will help you get your technique down before you inevitably have to pistol whip someone for real someday.

    Here are some tips for those of you who are new to pistol whipping:

    1. Get the person on their knees.  They obviously aren’t going to want to kneel down infront of you… the solution? Some Bruce Lee style move on the back of their knee caps.  Since you roll so deep, this is actually a good task for a member of your entourage to perform. You’ve got a whole 9 steps ahead of you, energy has to be conserved.
    2. Alright here we go… start the interaction off by asking a really vague or even a rhetorical question.  “Oh you didn’t think I’d ______ huh?”
    3. Next you’re going to want to throw in a statement about how they shouldn’t have messed with you.  This is probably quite evident by now… but still, pistol whipping is all about being dramatic so make this part good.
    4. Tell them that you are in fact going to whip them with your pistol.
    5. Describe exactly what is going to happen and how it’s going to feel.  “The slide of my Glock is going to hit the side of your face and shatter your pretty cheekbone into 1000 fragments and you’re going to taste gunshot residue, regret, and… etc.. etc..”
    6. Ask them if they are ready for it.
    7. Count down from five.   5……4……3 *WAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPOw*.  Yea you hit them on 3… that’s a total boss move I learned from my dentist.
    8. Over enunciate a really solid swear word or profanity laden phrase, as dramatically as possible while they are lying there bleeding.  This part is absolutely crucial.  Yea they could be unconscious or really dazed, but again this is all just all about looking the coolest possible infront of whoever is watching.
    9. Act like you didn’t enjoy it.  Shake your head, scowl  scoff.  It’s kind of like “cool guys don’t look at explosions”.  You’re going to come across as a herb if you get all giddy that you just laid steel to face.  You’re not a herb are you?  Of course not… you made it to step #9.
    10. Casually walk away, or more realistically get on your badass custom hog and ride away without a care in the world.

    LaserLyte-Pistol-Whip-Training-PistolThe Trigger Tyme Pistol Whip Trainer is only $55 from LaserLyte.

    LaserLyte, if you read this I’ll definitely consider licensing my 10 tips to you, to include with every trainer pistol.  Contact info in the sidebar.

    Thoughts?  Any of you pistol whip vets want to throw some of your own tips out?  I’m always looking to learn something.

  • Gabrielle Giffords Leaked AR-15 Hypocrisy Pose From The Past

    Leaked by an anonymous law enforcement source:


    “We were told she wanted to toughen her image. She asked to come out and she wanted to shoot a rifle. She had one of our guys out there to show her how to shoot an AR-15.”

    Full story over at Brietbart.

    Thanks LE-Anon!  If she wasn’t operating (no pun intended… really) on a reduced mental capacity now  (I’m assuming this by her slow as molasses speeches and glazed look) I’d be harder on her.  I still think her AR-15 buying-to-hand-over-to-the-police husband started this whole crusade.

    A snippet of Gabrielle Giffords facebook statement:

    I grew up with guns, and I like owning them. So does my husband Mark. It’s an interest we’ve shared ever since we met. It’s part of my heritage as an Arizonan and it’s my right as an American. Being able to shoot a gun is something I haven’t been able to do since I was shot – because my right arm is paralyzed, and I’m less mobile than I was.

    Riiiiiiight… so you and you husband like guns, but you don’t want the rest of us to have certain types of guns with certain features and certain magazine capacities.  *shrug* sounds legit. *eye roll*

    Thoughts?  Oh yea and *dat awkward “I’ve never held a rifle before” trigger discipline*.

    Hat tip: Thomas, Eric, Scott

  • Habitual Line-Steppers Beware The NRA

    Paul Barrett, author of Glock: The Rise Of America’s Gun talks to MSNBC:


    You can read Paul’s article Why Gunmakers Fear The NRA in ack! “Bloomberg” business week.


    Hat tip: Les

  • Defacing Money Like A Douchebag In The Name Of The 2nd Amendment

    Probably the stupidest idea I’ve seen in a while:


    The original vision behind 2ABill.com was to promote support of the Second Amendment by rubber-stamping a stack of $2-bills and using them as tip-currency in everyday life (cafe, coffeehouse, barber, restaurant) knowing that folks would likely be caught off guard by the not-so-common denomination AND including a stamped-on reference to the Second Amendment. Our hope is that people will be drawn into conversation about why upholding our Second Amendment rights is an important conversation to have!

    Yea you buy a retarded little rubber stamp from this company, and then you can deface all the $2 bills that pass through your hands in the name of the 2nd Amendment.  If advertising on money was actually legal, every shady little company under the sun would start this ignorant guerrilla marketing practice, because it’s basically free.  I like my dead presidents (when I use them) crispy and untainted, thank you.  Can you imagine the hassle if every bill you tried to spend had multiple stamps on it?  It would be a nightmare from a counterfeit detection standpoint alone.

    2nd-Amendment-Money-Currency-Bill-Stamp-2AI love how they have that little “We don’t encourage defacing U.S. currency” blurb at the bottom of the page I linked.  *facepalm*  ‘MERICA!


  • Operators Who Operate In HSLD Wish A MFer Would Type Operations

    You too can have this home defense operator knowledge:

    Interesting contrast in the video, between the instructor in HSLD multicam range operator mode, and home invasion mode.  I love how he’s just waiting for the burglar when he’s about to break in the front door.  SURPRISE!

    home-alone-faceFree PDF available for download on mistakes people make that could result in a home invasion.


  • Shotgun Shells Made From Hand Cast Animal Pieces

    53″ x 38″ in size… 12500 pieces .  Heh.. why not right?




    Source – Kevin Champeny

    Cool I guess? *shrug*.  The thing that’s funny about art, is that the possibilities are limitless.  You just know next week someone is going to make a 60 foot .223 Remington cartridge out of chicken bones and snotty kleenx, and I’ll post about that too.
