• Manny Pacquiao Indulges In IPSC

    Shooter ready:

    I don’t follow boxing, but Pacquaio seems like a genuinely nice guy.  Humble, down to earth, likes to help people etc… basically the opposite of Mayweather.  I’m not mad at Mayweather though.  He’s doing his thing alright… frankly I’d rather have Mayweather’s life more than Pacquaio’s… because YOLO.  Interesting how even though Pacquaio lost, he still raked in millions.  I wonder if he has a big gun collection in general?  Sport shooting such as IPSC is crazy popular in the Philippines, I wouldn’t be surprised.

    Pacquiao-IPSCWhat do you think of his equipment?  Handgun is a Metrillo custom.  How much do they go for?  Are they worth the price?  Made in the Philippines I see.  Looks like nice machine work on them anyway.

    Can Mayweather own guns, or did any of those charges for beating up women stick?

    Hat tip: Rocco

  • 124 Piece Kit Gives You A Functional Paper Shooting AR-15

    Interesting.  Lets build fam:

    I flat out ignored the the boilerplate emails the company marketing guy sent me and didn’t even click the link to check out the kickstarter until today.  I still can’t believe in 2015 people just “fill in the blanks” on emails they mass send to people they want to promote their stuff.  I can always tell it’s one of those when someone talks about how educational this blog is, and how well written etc….  When I do feel up to responding, I usually call them out on that and am like “LOL GTFO you obviously don’t follow the blog / couldn’t take 5 minutes to even browse it and come up with an accurate description.”

    I’m promoting this because I think more kids should be building things, and using their brains.  You can check out the kickstarter if you like what you see.  The cheapest kit is $45 USD. *shrug* doesn’t seem like a bad price to me. I love how self assembly is part of the novelty. Save them money and get you and I to do the work… genius!!! :)

    Here is a quick video showing how you assemble it:

    PapershootersThank god the look of it is customizable however you want, so you don’t have to use that hideous AIDS camo it comes with.  Just please don’t have the bright idea to paint it black and troll law enforcement.

    It’s too bad it’s not semi-auto!  I feel like it wouldn’t have been that difficult to make happen.

    Thoughts?  Would operate with?

  • Open Carry Trolling The Police For Civil Rights Violations

    D’Angelo looking dude with the cornrows out for a troll stroll gets got:

    The cop who dealt with the white dudes was cooler than the other side of the pillow.

    Black open carry starts at 0:54.  I ask you this, guy in video… HOW DOES IT FEEEEEEEEL*?

    *I’m going to slap a early “no homo” on that video embed before someone asks wtf is up with me watching that dude half naked. D’Angelo is smooth as butta tho my dude.

    Open-Carry-Most-Interesting-Man-In-The-WorldOpen carry science is a muTha.  The video hardly proves anything, except some people really like wasting police time and getting guns pointed at them.  I DO NOT CONSENT! I DO NOT CONSENT!  Lucky he had his 7-months-pregnant friend to provide useless commentary and a backup video *smh*

    Thoughts?  Will there be a court settlement in favor of D’Angelo for several million dollars in emotional damages for this one?

  • My Legs Was Like Linguine When I Saw The TrackingPoint News



    Did tracking point even go out with a fight like Rick James?  I feel like they could have got government contracts, or slashed prices even more, stopped R&D and just let the products breathe for a while.  What do I know about anything though *shrug*… Hopefully there aren’t too many people out of jobs, and too many people with rifles who are left without support if need be.

    Rick-James-Dave-ChappelleDudes with Tracking Point rifles be like “What imma do with the warranty if something goes wrong Eddie Murphaaaaaay?”

    “They should have never gave you ni….” LOL you knew that was coming.

    On a more serious note, I hope someone who works there decides to pull the greatest move of all time and open sources everything. That would be such a gangster gesture which would be much appreciated by several industries, and HUGELY piss off lawmakers.


  • Ballistic Gell Anus And Suppository Insertion Gun

    Wtf Joerg really flies off the rails every now and then with a vid:

    His wife must be *smh*’ing non stop around there haha.

    3:06 – You had to smack it didn’t you Joerg?

    I really hope ballistic gel companies don’t start releases asses.  Although a “never nude” one that came with short jorts would be hilarious.

    Joerg-SpraveIf you didn’t pucker it while watching the slow motion / listening to his description then you’re not human. :P

    4:30 – Uggggghhhhhh didn’t he hurt Dummesaulol enough in that last video he did with them?  That video was hard to watch for real.  PS, why aren’t those girls in any of these new videos?  That makes me think those girls may have been with the Dummesaulol guys, and not actually Joerg’s daughters as I originally thirsty-guessed.


  • Politics Of The Firearm Silencer Industry

    Former AAC guys working at Sig:

    Kevin Brittingham in fact started AAC.  There is a good summary of how he ended up being fired from his own company after Remington (Freedom Group) took it over etc… over at Truth About Guns site.  It’s a really good read… basically has all the workings of a movie or at the very least a Dateline episode I’d be glued to.  At the very end it talks about how he received over $10 Million in compensation from a lawsuit he won against Freedom Group.   Hahah damn son, $10 Million and you want to work FOR someone still?  If I was a suppressor god with that kind of lawsuit settlement cake and Sig offered me a job, I’d tell them I wanted complete autonomy and a high 7 figure salary + performance bonuses or else they could shove it.  I don’t know Kevin, but I’m pretty sure that’s what must have went down.  I bet Sig was more than happy to oblige because they know it’s ultimately a good move to gain market share in a steadily growing industry.

    Sig-Sauer-SilencersTo comment on the video now, it looks like Sig is headed in the right direction at least.  I’m not 100% up on what’s new and what’s old in the realm of silencers, but I bet they have state of the art equipment and with Kevin’s brain and whoever else works there I’m sure they will come up with some interesting stuff moving forward.
