• Facepalm Worthy Burglar Shotgun Booby Trap

    Clarke County, Mississippi:


    Shotgun-booby-trap-gas-station-2“I tie a string to the two front doors and other places, big strings so people can see it and the string goes to a pulley that goes to a trigger on a shotgun”, said Service Station owner Joe McCoy.  For the past few years his homemade booby-trap seems to be working. McCoy does give credit to the local authorities at the Clarke County Sheriff’s Department, but says he is in the middle of the country and it’s just a long way for people to respond. (Source via imgur Reddit)

    I figured this was 100% illegal, and sure enough an attorney in the video confirms it.  I don’t really see how an unmanned shotgun (which is obviously pointed in one direction) with some derp strings attached to it is any type of deterrent anyway.  I suppose a potential burglar might think “whoa, if he has that setup… there’s no telling what else awaits me inside”… ok fine.

    Damn thieves will take anything that’s not bolted down… even if it is bolted down they probably have wrenches.

    Shotgun-booby-trap-gas-stationBefore I close out this post I will add, that although my opinion on such a topic in the past has been unpopular, I think it should be perfectly alright to bait and shotgun thieves.  Play stupid games win stupid prizes.  It would make the world a nicer place if I always didn’t have to worry about getting everything I own stolen too.

    Thoughts?  PS: That Faygo tho…  Who wants to listen to ICP and mix up some dirty Faygo (lean) with me this weekend?

  • Sexual Assault Rifle

    *smh* some people’s kids:

    Keanu-WoahLOL ok then.  Looks like the Can Cannon has some competition.

    I hope this is on the news as being used in a home defense scenario someday, and the robber gets humiliated.

    Gat tip: James

  • Better Call Saul – A 3rd Wheel Without A Piece

    How you gonna take one of my guns?

    Better-Call-Saul-MikeThat was a good scene.  I just finished watching the first season of Better Call Saul…. It wasn’t bad.  I liked it for the most part, but the final episode irritated me.  I’m sure it’s one of those shows where they weren’t sure if it was going to last, so they didn’t plan ahead much.  Hopefully season 2 will have a strong storyline.

    I’ve got 50 Cent’s POWER on the go now, and True Detective Season 2 as well. Gotta watch something when I’m eating alone *wommmmmmp wommmmmmmmmmmmp* haha.


  • That Ammo Belt You Bought At Hot Topic Is Dangerous

    Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Boston, MA:


    Not only was his “replica ammunition” belt enough to incite “panic” on a bus Friday afternoon, but police noted he was “wearing what was described as spiked fighting gloves and spiked leather bracelets,” according to the Boston Police Department’s official website.

    According to the MBTA Transit Police, Kevin Young was arrested and taken into custody, with a charge of disorderly conduct, after he exited the bus and seen walking down a nearby road. There’s no indication he behaved in a threatening manner or said a word to anyone.

    Earlier this afternoon, charges were dropped, with the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office telling local media “based on the totality of circumstances, however, including confirmation that the cartridges on said belt could not and weren’t intended to be fired, prosecutors dismissed the charges at arraignment in Brighton Municipal Court.” (Source)

    Man, I hope none of you guys wear one of my Keep Calm And Carry One shirts around Boston unless you want to end up on the news.  I have so many newer shirts now that one kind of fell out of my rotation, but every time I do wear it I constantly get dirty looks or sometimes smiles with a head shake from “cool moms” who get the reference but aren’t necessary on board.

    Although I think it’s ridiculous that an ammo belt would get that much unwanted attention I still think Hot Topic should be banned.

    Can you imagine if he had a pressure cooker with him, which he just picked up from Bed Bath & Beyond?  That would have shut the entire city down, and he probably would have been dead.


  • We All Know A Brass Bandit

    Now you can grab the t-shirt:

    ENDO Apparel is the spot.

    Remember, you’re missing out on two deals per week (normally) by not being on the ENDO Apparel mailing list.  I only announce a deal on the blog or elsewhere every so often.

    Thank you for supporting ENDO!!


  • The Old Make A Bullshit List Then Profit Move – Pro-Gun Edition

    Newsmax with the “100 Most Influential Pro Gun Rights Advocates“… and everyone fell like putty into their hands.

    I’ve spoke about “lists” before, and what a classic clickbait and SEO grab they are.  This one also has the 3rd benefit of outraging people who don’t agree with some people being on the list / are outraged others didn’t make the list.  Because of that it spreads like wildfire through social media and what not… because who doesn’t love a good butthurt outrage?

    Always-Sunny-Philadelphia-Gun-Fever-2Once you click through (yes I know… falling into their clickbait trap) and read the list you’ll see that it unsurprisingly amounts to what should have been called “We complied an arbitrary list of 100 people who we think have done something pro-gun related or said something pro-gun at one point in time” *smh*.  Sure some people obviously even belong on a top 5 list, but there are others who don’t even belong on a top 1000 list of this type.
