Search results for: “glock commercial”
Glock G42 Commercial – Sex And Mediocrity To Sell Handguns
So much talk about this new pistol, Glock was bound to release another one of their trademark shitty commercials: Hands down Glock is one of my all time favorite companies, but they constantly drop the ball when it comes to marketing… especially with their commercials. You’d think a company worth several billion dollars could afford…
Glock Shooting Sports Commercial
This guy is in the f**king zone: I’m so sick of that “my glock gives me confidence to live my life” bullshit tagline. In my opinion, whoever came up with that should be fired immediately. Why don’t big companies ever do anything fun just to troll? It would have been a perfect opportunity at 0:27…
Glock Tweaks Perfection For the G43X and G48 And Gets Silvery
LiFeStYLe CoMmErCiaL incoming: If you would have told me 10 years ago that gun companies would be putting out advertisement videos where dudes were pushing their kids on a swing, moms taking the squad to soccer practice etc. I would have LOL’d so hard. You can read more info on the G48 and G43X if…
Glock Thinks People Still Know What The Brady Bunch Is
Cool teens don’t know the Brady Bunch. Glock did a parody video anyways: Glock is one of my favorite companies, but damn do they ever suck at video marketing. Like come on… according to Wikipedia, the Brady Bunch ended in 1974. They really need a cool teen like me on the staff. I’d probably get…
Glock Gives A Solid M’Lady To The Females
Some new commercials: The actors, voiceover, music, locations, editing… I don’t really like any of it. The first video I legit thought was a preroll ad that YouTube was playing, and I was looking for the “skip after 3 seconds” countdown button… but then I was like Ohhhhh. Whatever Glock is doing is obviously working…
Glock’s Somebody Picked The Wrong Insert Place Here Ads
Glock and Gunny back at it: I assumed they gave up on the “somebody picked the wrong ______”, because we had not seen a video with that theme in a few years. Here are a couple of the past ones to jog your memory, if you care. Maybe they pulled this film one from…