• Comedian Yannis Pappas on Guns

    Worth listening to if you want a few laughs:

    I’m always down for some gun related standup 🤣.

  • Confronting The Wolf With Bad Tattoos

    Holy, this is an atrocity:

    😂😫 It’s too bad that radio couldn’t be used to call in that crime he did to his own body.

  • How The Army Uses Video Games And VR for Combat Training

    VICE looks into it:

    I actually didn’t realize the military had so much to do with the birth and early innovation of video games.

    6:25 – DOOM was so legendary.

    Bravemind looks interesting, and definitely seems like a good idea to have something like that.  Even though the graphics aren’t very modern looking, it’s amazing how after playing something for a few minutes your brain just forgets it doesn’t look ultra real, and deals with it.

  • This Taurus Firearms Executive Grade Revolver Ad Has BIG TAURUS Energy

    ⚡️ even if you blocked out the gun or the logo, I could have easily told you this was a Taurus ad:

    Iced coffee came out of my mouth and onto my desk in laughter when I saw the “EXECUTIVE GRADE” debossing.

    In 2020 you’d think firearms companies with a lot of money like Taurus (presumably) has, they could afford to hire out someone to do something way better.  Even the voiceover is very “I hired a guy off Fiverr”.

    Thoughts?  When you think of aspirational firearms.. ones that you’d buy if you got that BIG PROMOTION; does a Taurus revolver come to mind? 🤔

    P.S. Holy the comments are a real treat.  Loaded with boomers absolutely THIRSTING.

  • Does The Constitution Actually Protect Your Right To Own A Gun?


    I thought we were past the “what did they AcKShULLY mean?” question, but apparently not.

  • Brandon x Admin Link Up And MP-40 Shenanigans Ensue

    BIG LINK UP between a couple of my favorite YouTubers:

    😂 the montage for the first two mins is wild.

    2:40 – Holy that’s a nice gun.  The patinaaaaaaaaaaaggghhh 🤤. A lot of interesting features on it.

    Really nice pickup!