Aimpoint Full Retard AR-15

This guy can’t miss:



Pics from ARFCOM user Monkey_Wrench.

Hat tip: Scott


11 responses to “Aimpoint Full Retard AR-15”

  1. Sighted in at 15 yards.

  2. It’s missing something?

  3. SittingDown Avatar

    Two is one. So uhhh.. this guy just caused Murphy’s head to assplode.

  4. Pfffft. Not even a rear BUIS. Dude’s gonna fail.

  5. if he turned them on sequentially he might not live long enough to wear out all the batteries.

    1. Stan Darsh Avatar

      I believe it would cause a tear in the space/time continuum

      1. SittingDown Avatar

        Nah, that requires 1.21 Gigawatts.

  6. By my count about $4,000 in optics

  7. At least he won’t lose sight of his target.

  8. That much sight he can see the future.

  9. He can see into alternate universes.