Automated Cartridge Case Annealing Machine

*Gasp* it’s beautiful…

The machine can handle rifle cartridges from .223 all the way up to .50BMG, you just need to switch out a couple of the parts.

They start at $435 and are available at Giraud Tool – HERE

I love how the brass looks like it’s alive when the pickup wheel is rotating.


9 responses to “Automated Cartridge Case Annealing Machine”

  1. The video is strangely hypnotic.

  2. What is the purpose of annealing the brass?

    1. NikonMikon Avatar

      All case necks are annealed.

      The annealer allows a reloader to maintain their cases for uniform case neck tension and prevent work hardening of the case mouths from repeated resizing and firing in a efficient and timely manner.

      1. Ted N(not the Nuge) Avatar
        Ted N(not the Nuge)

        So it’s restoring the flexibility of the brass, so the case lets go of the bullet instead of splitting?

        Just seeing if I understood it right, thanks.

  3. Pop N Fresh Avatar
    Pop N Fresh

    got mine right after Giraud got back from Camp Perry, they rock

    tsn4 annealing brass helps it last longer (more loading cycles) by fixing the work hardening that occurs as it is fired and resized, it also helps uniform neck tension which helps with accuracy.

    Poppy it is more so in person.

    1. I’ve been watching this video for over an hour.


  4. Critter Avatar


  5. I’m still just going to use a blowtorch and a pan of water.

    1. check out CarTeach’s gun blog for how to do it… there’s more to it than meets the eye and you’ll ruin it if you don’t get it just right.

      Here’s the link