Shooting Range Spans Across Active Highway In Switzerland

*The sound of Anti-gun heads and safety sally heads exploding*:

Arthur-Firearms-MemeIs this 100% safe?  Is this unsafe?  My gut feeling says I would definitely have tried to avoid this when picking the spot for a shooting range.  As long as the guys there are using calibers that are actually meant for long range, I don’t see it being a problem though.  Hopefully the Swiss are as smart as I think they are… because you know if this range was anywhere across an interstate in the US, some idiot would fire off a few rounds from a can cannon (thinking he could hit the targets on the other side of the road), and in the process kill like 39 people in some sort of multi-car pile up.

2:40 – Cool shot mapper.  That’s some “hunt for Red October” shit right there.
