A Short Peek At DOOM 2016 Multiplayer

This might have potential:

Will I buy a game system for it, or a PC to play it?  Probably not, but I’d like to try it out somewhere that’s for sure.  I put in a lot of hours in original DOOM multiplayer for PC.

Doom-Video-GameI’m glad to see they kept some of the original weapons.  The audio sounds amazing!  I’ll have to see what the actual gameplay looks and feels like though before I make any final judgments on whether this is a fail or not.  I’m getting “very derivative of HALO” vibes from the above video.  I suppose HALO is derivative of DOOM in the first place though, so whatever I don’t know.

2:43 – Whoa that demon rune thing is crazy!

If you missed the post on the John Romero documentary about how he messed up the Doom franchise you should click through and watch the video.  It’s pretty good.
