Travis Haley On Utilizing Penile Alignment To Neutralize Multiple Adversaries

This is pretty funny:

I get that social networking / social proof is great for business, but it has to be so irritating to teach a class where everyone is trying to record you on their phones.  Not to mention if they are fiddling with the phones and concentrating on the recording, they probably aren’t really taking in fully what you’re trying to explain.  I’m assuming a lot of these guys just have the attitude like university professors have… if you want to play poker on your laptop rather than listen to the lecture and participate by my guest, just don’t come ask me to repeat shit after class.

Zoolander-Travis-HaleyAre you going to do the penile alignment thing from now on?  Were you disappointed the camera wasn’t closer to really take in the healthy glow Travis’ beautiful skin?  I just hope he was wearing sun screen.  Gotta keep the investment safe.

Ahhhhhh at the vertical video fail.

Gat tip: No Uno


15 responses to “Travis Haley On Utilizing Penile Alignment To Neutralize Multiple Adversaries”

  1. Raisedby_dogs Avatar

    Could not get past annoying laughter. “heeheehee Travis Haley said DICK.”

  2. ZBalentine Avatar

    That reload was smooth as fuck.

    1. Steve from Downtown Canada Avatar
      Steve from Downtown Canada

      Would operate with.

  3. DangrousBrian Avatar

    i’m going to make it a personal mission to fuck all of my targets.

  4. Ohhhhhh yeah, that’ll work.

  5. Vitsaus Avatar

    Like Costashian he’s attempting to be a celebrity within his given field, if this were not true, he would forbid groupies from being on their phones and filming during his courses. He likes the attention, and he plays for the camera. Anyone who can’t see that needs to put the hand lotion down while watching his videos.

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      ROFL Costashian

      1. derpmaster Avatar

        I hear he’s got a sex tape with Ray J that’s about to drop

        1. Vitsaus sending word to the street.

          I think if Cooper were alive, everything but your iron signts would go in a Faraday cage and the old rattler would run a cell-jammer.
          Have I taken pictures of things I’ve shot before? Yeah. I like to watch certain things explode in slow-motion, and I like to analyze my technique.
          Other than that, I have nothing to sell, and I am not interested in having evidence of my proficiency with deadly weapons in the public domain.

    2. Grindstone Avatar

      I’ll still take his instructions over Costa. At least he’s actually operated on operations.

  6. Re: Vertical phone videos. Are people really that stupid? Unaware? Clueless? For krineoutloud!! Knock that shit off!!!

  7. Trilla Avatar

    anyone know what type of shoes Travis is wearing?

  8. That’s actually a really good point he makes. Wow that draw was smooth like his skin, 10/10 would operate with lol.

  9. Sheepdog6 Avatar

    Lack of beard takes one point off on the “would operate” scale.