The Best Of 22Plinkster

One shot one kill 22Plinkster with a montage:

A really good way to see all his amazing shots.

22plinkster-YouTubeDamn that guy is a surgeon with a .22.



4 responses to “The Best Of 22Plinkster”

  1. I don’t know what is more impressive- his amazing accuracy or how he gets so many hot gun chicks to come out and do cameos.

  2. Hi. Just watched your video on youtube. Loved your stuff until I got to Iraq veteran 8888. Do you know what 8888 means? It means Hail Hitler, Hail Hitler! Are you a white supremist? Please respond? Love guns. Love gun folks. Neo Nazis scare the crap out of me.

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      The 8888 is a coincidence. Like a lot of youtubers he just randomly picked that before he had any idea their channel would get more popular.

  3. Yeah right. I’m so sure it’s a coincidence. Watch some of those videos and pay close attention and you’ll see something’s definitely up.