22Trollster – Mattv2099 Attempts A Trickshot

Spoiler Alert: It doesn’t go well:

It’s funny that I made a joke about this exact same type of troll video on the last 22Plinkster video I posted.  Matt emailed me and said he already filmed such a video (the one you may or may not have just watched) for the lulz.

Mattv2099-ENDO-Trollture-TrollingFrom personal experience, trick shots are definitely as hard as they look.  So many things to take into account, I can’t even wrap my mind around how people like 22Plinkster can pull them off with such ease.

Thoughts? Do you have a trademark trick shot you like to impress with?


5 responses to “22Trollster – Mattv2099 Attempts A Trickshot”

  1. Joethefatman™ (@joethefatman1) Avatar
    Joethefatman™ (@joethefatman1)

    My favorite trick shot is where I actually have the time and money to get to the range.

    1. Ronald RayGun Avatar
      Ronald RayGun

      Now that’s tricky

  2. Al Cohol Avatar
    Al Cohol

    My favorite trick shot is when I actually can hit the far wall of the shower instead of the normal dribbles I usually have.

  3. He should try the swing-through method…

    1. I’ll probably do the 360 no scope method next.