Nike Air Max For Sneakerhead Gun Enthusiasts

Artist / Photographer FilFury cooked these up:





Looks-Shopped-Tell-By-PixelsToo bad they are just photoshops, and also too bad he didn’t make a Deagle brand Deagle or a Glock.

The UZI in the first picture would definitely be a hood favorite.  I had at least one pair of Air Max shoes, and I think every kid that grew up in the 90s probably did too.  I remember thinking that visible air cushion was so “rad”.  Yea I was a hypebeast before hypebeasting went mainstream.



7 responses to “Nike Air Max For Sneakerhead Gun Enthusiasts”

  1. Nike – Just Shoot It.

  2. That reminds me. Friend sent me this article with subj, “ban assault shoes.”

  3. Todd S Avatar

    Ooooh. Edgy.

  4. dave w Avatar

    i eagerly await these being made as gun covers.

  5. ooooh! I would buy these in a heartbeat! cmon nike, get on it

  6. Jon G. Avatar

    Are these “Air” guns? I hear a song that mentions instant karma in my head as well. (That reference is from the 80s)

  7. I will pay 2000.000 dollars for the uzi air max gun to be made or for the cover