Assault Clip Lethality Demonstration

An example of why they should be banned:

Mattv2099-OperatorThe Cowwadoody headset and 1000 yard stare sealed the deal.  I wouldn’t think that headset would provide much hearing protection, but maybe he’s got plugs on underneath.

Blowing up food and drinks is always a good time.

Mattv2099 everyone… haha that was in my talkshow host voice. Ladies, he’s single and has lots of ammunition.


16 responses to “Assault Clip Lethality Demonstration”

  1. In the directors cut he screams “I hate you mom!!” And starts crying uncontrollably after he finishes emptying his assault “clip”.

    1. mattv2099 Avatar

      Naw dude. In the directors cut (extended remix) I bust out the autotune and moon walk.

  2. Ban Coke. It makes people fat!

    1. The crappy coke makes you fat, the good coke makes you thin

  3. I’m a little confused… is is he being sincere or sarcastic? Is this an honest plea to ban those deadly assault clips? Or is it a parody of the poor understanding of firearms that the media and anti-gunners hold?

    In the case that it is an honest plea for gun control, I don’t want to visit his YouTube page to give him any additional views…

    1. bigghoss Avatar

      It’s a joke. This is a parody of a video by the brady campaign talking about banning “assault clips”, whatever those are.

    2. SixtyForty Avatar

      Hello, and welcome to the Internet.

    3. mattv2099 Avatar

      Dude, if you have to ask…

  4. What did he have in that 32 round “clip”? 100 rounds?

    1. ENDO-Mike Avatar

      I think he had 180 clips in it.

  5. Anthracis Avatar

    Hahahha. High capacity magazines with a 100 clips in it. Lol

    Good one mike.

  6. Chrontius Avatar

    Some of those headsets provide 20-25 dB of isolation. I’ve used a pair of Sennheisers as ear protection while mowing the lawn; they have the side benefit of being able to hear music while preventing hearing damage.

    1. Those ones do not provide much hearing protection. Part of the reason I like them is that I can still hear the world around me somewhat easily.

      Those 1000-yard stare feels.


  8. Those looked like turtle beach headsets for Xbox.

    1. mattv2099 Avatar

      Those headsets are for intense, high speed, low drag, operational sniper engagements with 100 round bullit glok clips.