Arabic Reality Celebrity Kidnapping Extreme TV Show

Tricking celebrities into thinking they have been kidnapped by terrorists:

An English summary of the TV show:

Holy!!!! This is like American TV show Punk’d, but on a whole other level.   Although it’s funny to watch something like this happen to someone else, I can’t imagine it would be any fun to be involved in… especially with this show where the celebrity victim actually thinks they are going to die.

The show is called Ramez Desert Fox and is hosted by Egyptian Actor/Singer Ramez Galal.


Hat tip: Al


26 responses to “Arabic Reality Celebrity Kidnapping Extreme TV Show”

  1. I think it might explain quite a few things.

  2. God women are nothing but a liability in a bad situation. All they can do is scream.

    1. Good Point, that’s what they get for leaving the kitchen! LOL JK

  3. HAHA, oh muslims, greatest sense of humor in the world

  4. USSMunkfish Avatar

    I think concealed carry licenses and insurance companies would prevent a show like this from happening in the US.

    1. I was going to say, around here, trying to kidnap someone is taking your life in your hands.

  5. Rickenbacker Avatar

    Sounds like it’d be dangerous for the crew! I mean, what court wouldn’t let the celebrity in question off if he just pulled a gun and shot the ‘terrorists’?

  6. Croppedxout Avatar


  7. The only thing you can follow this show up with is pranking wanna be suicide bombers.

    1. make a vest that when the button is pressed the diet coke is pumped to the mentos and enjoy the lolz.

      1. That’d be one of the vests, yeah. I was thinking red, white and blue confetti and plays “God Bless America” or the Pro-Israeli equivalent.

  8. Wow, what a remarkably generalized, inaccurate and sexist comment. Look at other episodes where a man is curled up catatonic in a little ball.

    I know my better half would have tried to beat the shit out of those guys.

  9. Here is another episode with english subtitles.

  10. What a horrible idea. Someone would get shot if they did this in the US.

    1. If only. I think that dumbass acting like a zombie and chasing people hasn’t been ventilated yet.

      1. He came close to being shot at, I think a guy drew a gun on him when he was running away.

  11. liquidflorian Avatar

    Their was one where they “tricked” the contestant into appearing on a Jewish TV show, when it was just some pranksters. Dudes went fucking off the rails.

  12. This is supposed to be funny?
    Whats next? Make a guy think his daughter/wife/mother was raped then demand he stone her.

    1. Dude313 Avatar

      Dude that is just plain racist

  13. Um… I don’t know what to say about this.

  14. maybe we can load up a bus with Paris and snookie and all the other trash, make them think its going to be a show like this but surprise, we hand them over to real terrorists!

    1. Oooh! How about one where they kidnap Justin Bieber, take a kidney without anesthetic, and then tell him “Lol Biebs you just got pranked dude! We’re not really selling your kidney on the black market!”

  15. Never EVER try that in Missouri.

  16. I would have a PROBLEM with this PRANK… I FUCKING HATE HEIGHTS!!! LOL

  17. paul kimble Avatar
    paul kimble

    reality tv is fake no matter what country it’s produced in