Reality TV Gun Shows Suck

Chaos and his friend Don talk about how much reality TV gun shows suck:

Don is gun-curious… which apparently is like bi-curious but with guns… and guys sometime, but no homo. (wtf? hahhaha)

They make some great points.  The video is 20min long, but definitely entertaining.


5 responses to “Reality TV Gun Shows Suck”

  1. guns+explosion+chicks with big boobs…what’s wrong with that?

    1. nothing, but the show is filled with much more BS than that.

      PS. i think i know that guy from somewhere.

  2. Was that a Charles Barkley turrible at 4:02?

    1. Yes it was haha. Turrible knuckleheads.

  3. peter ringer Avatar
    peter ringer

    Little known fact but Rich Wyatt went to jail in Jefferson county. It was all over a gun he and is ex-wife wanted.