Glock V.S. 1911

Haters gonna hate.

When I saw 32:58min on the clock I though to myself “Oh god, this guy (hickok45) is turning into Nutnfancy”.


12 responses to “Glock V.S. 1911”

  1. PFULMTL Avatar

    Eff that, I lasted 3 minutes.

  2. mlk18 Avatar

    Yawn. Oh, is it over? (Stretch). Good. When did I fall asleep?

  3. Raph84 Avatar

    At least he doesn’t go off on ridiculous tangents about how high speed low drag he and all his friends are like Nutn’. Overall I like Hickok45…but then again I have a pretty long attention span.

  4. Bravo52 Avatar

    What do I like about it? I like your comment comparing Hickok45 to Nutnfancy, either ironically or sadly both youtube channels that I am subscribed to.

  5. He seems a little old to be carrying on like that. I’m embarrassed for my age-group, or for his…

  6. It was a little long, but fun to watch in between drinks and this game>>>
    The training challenges in the game remind me of hickok45’s back yard

  7. Unlike Nut’s vids…. this isn’t part 4.

  8. God damn… For those who watched it, did he ever reach a point? Or allude to a point being made?

  9. That one guy Avatar
    That one guy

    I dont even have to watch that craptastic video to know that 1911’s are better. If you need more than seven shots of .45, you need something other than a pistol.

    Besides, Glocks are run of the mill happy meal toys. Versus 1911’s which are run of the mill war vintage. And i dont mean that Springfield armory crap either.

  10. bigghoss Avatar


  11. phaedrus Avatar

    I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it. Though I am a little biased, I own both a Glock 21 and a series 70 1911. However, I love my USP 45 Compact the best.

  12. There is a lot of things to talk about in differences between two totally different handguns. Hickock45 hit all the points about the differences as well as the pros and cons of each system in a good amount of time. Much faster than I would expect “nutnfancy” would do it.