Crappy Retro Handheld Video Games From Your Childhood

Unless you’re currently under the age of 18, you probably remember these:

If you want to re-live the frustration and the incredible lag from your childhood hit up the link – HERE

There are about 20 other crappy games for you to try out too.  Quite a few shooting ones actually.. but thats because the platform lends itself to that I suppose.


2 responses to “Crappy Retro Handheld Video Games From Your Childhood”

  1. I’m under 18, and I DO remember these! Before I could ever afford a gameboy, these little things were all I had for electronic entertainment. McDonalds used to make a bunch of games similar to this. They were all way worse though.

  2. Yup, I had that terminator game. If memory serves, you had to take out his arms before you could kill him.