Iron Maiden Sucks At Guns

From the back of the Iron Maiden “A Matter Of Life And Death” album:

I haven’t heard the album, but you can buy it if you want – HERE

Damn that band knows how to make a terrifying album cover though.


9 responses to “Iron Maiden Sucks At Guns”

  1. They may suck at guns, but rule the metal! \m/

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      \m/ <-- that's great!

  2. Steveweiser Avatar

    Cheesy how the magazine comes out of the handguard on those rifles.

    1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
      Admin (Mike)

      Yea, maybe they own some sort of messed up forward grip I’ve never seen or heard of :P

  3. Steveweiser Avatar

    Very cheesy how the magazine comes out of the handguard on those rifles.

  4. Oh, c’mon guys – these are obviously those Bullpup guns everyone’s been talking about… :)

  5. Damn suck arse quality control. That lazy and just looks plain goofy! They should fire the graphic designer.
    Otherwise… Long live the maiden!


    1. Agreed. As a graphic designer I can say that wouldn’t fly with me. It’s not because I know it’s wrong, it’s because when I design something, if I don’t know the subject matter, I LOOK IT UP!

      Reminds me of this girl in one of my design classes in college, made some awesome poster for some event honoring the troops, problem was there was a BRITISH soldier on the poster. It’s just bad business. If you presented something blatantly incorrect to a client (who usually knows what they’re dealing with) odds are you will either lose the client, or they will at least lose faith in you.

      1. Admin (Mike) Avatar
        Admin (Mike)

        Yea mistakes like that are unforgivable. Especially since that is in print, and likely cost them a lot of money. It’s one thing if a small mistake is made on a website and can be fixed without any loss.